Ke Fang’s research aims at understanding the universe through its energetic messengers, including high-energy neutrinos, gamma rays, and ultrahigh energy cosmic rays. Her work includes analysis efforts on observational data from HAWC, IceCube, and Fermi-LAT, as well as theoretical studies of astroparticle sources using numerical simulations.

Ke joined the Department of Physics at UW-Madison and the Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center (WIPAC) as an assistant professor in 2021. Before that she was an NASA Einstein Fellow at Stanford University (2018-2020) and a Joint Space-science Institute Fellow at University of Maryland and NASA-Goddard (2015-2018). She received her Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 2015.

Ke can be reached at and Chamberlin 4118.


  • Sloan Research Fellowship, 2024
  • NSF CAREER Award, 2023
  • Shakti P. Duggal Award, for Early Career Contributions in Cosmic Ray Physics, 2021
  • NASA Einstein Fellowship, 2018-2020