Theory of Astroparticle Sources
Study the origin of astroparticles using numerical simulations
Recent work: Interpretation of IceCube’s Galactic Plane observation
Observation with HAWC
The High-Altitude Water Cherenkov Gamma-ray Observatory located near Puebla, Mexico is a wide-field TeV-PeV gamma-ray detector. We analyze the HAWC data to reveal of looks of the cosmos at the highest photon energies.
Recent work: TeV halo around a radio-quiet pulsar, Cygnus Cocoon, SS 433

IceCube data analysis
The IceCube Observatory at the geographic South Pole opens a new window to “see” the universe with high-energy neutrinos. We hunt for astrophysical sources in the IceCube data with efficient source finding algorithms.
Recent work: neutrino source searches with two-point cross correlation, with event pairs
Studies with Fermi-LAT
As an affiliated member of the Fermi Collaboration, Ke uses the Fermi Large Area Telescope for multi-messenger followup studies.
Recent work: a PeVatron supernova remnant, Joint analysis of HAWC and Fermi-LAT observations of SS433